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Noob/Basic Question: Syncing/Using GAIA with Pro Tools 9

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Noob/Basic Question: Syncing/Using GAIA with Pro Tools 9

Postby stacyiphone » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:42 pm

I'm a pro tools 9 user.. experienced with using midi with Reason and such with keyboards/virtual instruments.

I'm now the proud owner of the Gaia Sh-01 and am trying to figure out a way (the best way) to use this with Pro Tools.
ie.. how to perfectly sync the appegiator with PT9's song's tempo.. ?

2nd question.... to record the sounds.. is there a way to manipulate them after-the-fact?
ie.. the sounds on the keyboard, can they used in a way to just record the virtual instrument info on a session' midi track and further tweak the sounds after like you would in reason?
or do you simply have to record the sound direct output and recording as wav.. and no further synth-tweak after?

Your help is much appreciated! Happy to be diving into this finally!

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Re: Noob/Basic Question: Syncing/Using GAIA with Pro Tools 9

Postby rodan » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:56 pm

Ok for point one you will need to set up the gaia as a midi device in protools that receives midi clock or timestamp. Im not sure where this is located in protools, youll have ot look in your manual. In reaper it is in options, midi devices. Secondly you'll need to turn the clock source of your gaia to either midi or usb (depending on what you are using to connect the keyboard). Page 52 of the Gaia manual describes how to do this in the clock source section.

And yes you can record your playing as a midi track and then let the midi track play while you adjust the knobs to create new sounds. You can also record your tweaking of certain knobs and sliders live and it will play back the tweaks. Just like a vst. Once again this will be something you need to look up in your pro tools manual.
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Re: Noob/Basic Question: Syncing/Using GAIA with Pro Tools 9

Postby stacyiphone » Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:31 pm

Thanks ! .. your reply will be very helpful.
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Re: Noob/Basic Question: Syncing/Using GAIA with Pro Tools 9

Postby rodan » Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:49 pm

Also don't forget to set the midi channel in your daw to transmit on the same channel that the gaia is on! :)
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Re: Noob/Basic Question: Syncing/Using GAIA with Pro Tools 9

Postby stacyiphone » Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:11 am

I've managed to setup the Roland as a midi instrument in pro tools. Set the channels up right.. I can now record midi data on instrument track just fine. and I can also record stereo audio via the 1/4" jacks as audio tracks.

(I tried via usb but couldn't get anywhere.. so opted to try midi..)..regardless, Ive successfully recorded midi data to Ptools from GAIA.. and also have the midi DATA now playing from the PTsession back onto the GAIA via midi IN.

my prob is that it doesn't seem to want to sync tempos..
What I want is to have the Roland GAIA auto sync with the tempo of the session so the delays/appegiator, etc.. are right on.

I've set the clock source on the GAIA to midi. .. still no luck.. I've even set up Pro Tools to send midi clock info to the Gaia.. not sure what I"m missing.. but as I manipulate the session's tempo.. and re-record.. the delays and arpeggiators aren't effected..
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Re: Noob/Basic Question: Syncing/Using GAIA with Pro Tools 9

Postby rodan » Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:40 pm

I would guess that this is likely the same issue you are running into with the arpeggiator. Just need the correct set up for gaia to receive the host (pro tools) tempo.
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