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Postby djrevmoon » Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:39 pm


been playing with mine now for a few days, and ran into several annoyances that can be fixed, with some effort. Would like to hear your ideas on this.

First, I use cubase. In Cubase, I can select the audio drivers I'm using but if I select the SH-01 then my main soundcard becomes unavailable. What I'd really like to do is use the audio over USB option in cubase, and not have to use up two inputs of my main soundcard. I reckon this is possible if a VSTi plugin is developed that can take audio in from the SH-01 and get it into cubase that way. Actually, this could be a feature of the tool Grauw ie writing maybe? That would make it very cool, and integrate nicely with the VSTi environment, bit like the Virus TI. Is this doable? And Grauw: great effort you're doing!
Even better would be to also then register all the parameters as VSTi parameters to allow full automation from any DAW! This would also enable total instant recall when opening a project in your DAW just like any other VSTi. I figure Roland had that in mind when designing the Gaia but has not followed through with it.

Second, the SHIFT-button is driving me mad already. Also. some controls are unusable, such as the LFO and Delay SYNC time settings. There's 20 of those, all on a rotary knob with no way of knowing which setting you've selected except you're ears but that's very difficult in many cases when you're listening to bouncing reverbs and artefacts. The solution I'm developing for this is an overlay for the entire front panel, lasercut and printed with everything necessary. So all knobs and faders will have their SHIFT-function also printed next to them and the SYNC options will have a 20-radial scale with the correct setting next to it. Same for FX Selection. Using a small font and utilising all available space, I think I can design a new faceplate overlay that will make it much easier to operate all features withough having to resort to the manual every 3 minutes.

All comments, additions, and ideas welcome. I'm pretty sure the faceplate thingy is going to work out. I have access to a lasercutter and stuff, and once its done, I can do a limited run at costprice for anyone else interested. The VSTi integration is another matter, as I can't program VSTi's but maybe Grauw would like to comment?

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Re: Improvements

Postby Grauw » Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:22 pm

Hey djrevmoon,

Thanks for your compliments :). Your faceplate thing sounds like a pretty interesting idea!

Regarding my tool, I’m first focusing on getting it feature-complete, so that you can adjust all the parameters and maybe a library function and patch import/export. In the next version it’ll also show in realtime adjustments made on the GAIA. I definitely plan to show a more useful labeled selection for the stepped controls, not just a slider, and I’ll also think about how to make it intuitive to use purely as a display for the GAIA. E.g. probably it’d benefit from having a screen that gives you a good overview of all current settings, and some visual cues that show you clearly which GAIA controls to use. About VSTi integration, I don’t know much about that, but maybe in the future...

As for using multiple sound inputs, it seems to me that what you need is a mixer plugin that can mix in realtime sounds from two different sound sources. I bet that already exists. Actually, can’t Windows do this for you, if you go to the input in the sound recording settings panel, and then select ‘Listen to this device’ from the Listen tab? Maybe not without latency though. Also, maybe you can select a different sound source per track in Cubase...?
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Re: Improvements

Postby djrevmoon » Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:38 pm

Hi Grauw,

since you seem to be a java guy, you might want to check out the java port of the VST API:
It enables you to do what I described. I know your focus is not VST integration now, but it cant hurt to check it out and at least make sure your design decisions are compatible for possible future VSTi integration ;-)

As for the faceplate, I've found this material: There's several color options available, its laser engravable. That would make an awesome overlay I reckon. Only thing is: i cant figure out how to get the knobs off the Gaia! Anyone know how to remove the knobs (the faders will just come off by pulling but the rotary pots/encoders will not!)

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Re: Improvements

Postby Grauw » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:44 pm

Oh hey djrevmoon, thanks for the pointer :). I’m not really a Java guy in particular hehe, but as the project is indeed in Java, that link is well appreciated! I’ll take a look.
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Re: Improvements

Postby djrevmoon » Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:59 pm


I've put the complete front panel into a vector graphics file. Quite a bit of work measuring the thing to submillimeter precision but it worked out. A friend lasercut the largest part into cardboard, which was a near perfect fit. I need to tweak a few cutouts by < 0.5 mm but generally it fits. So now I'll be designing the alternate faceplate on the cardboard with pen and pencil, then transfer that to another vector graphics file. This can then be laser engraved to create the overlay.

If anyone has any tips or requests for the layout, let me know. I can incorporate pretty much anything. My goal is to get all the shift-functions named on the frontplate so I dont need the manual anymore.

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Re: Improvements

Postby Miracle_Nosh » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:04 am

Djrevmoon - a new faceplate is a brilliant idea! I like the current one, but it's impossible to remember all the button combos as you say. I don't really have any particular suggestions - it sounds like you know what you're doing! Keep us updated, and be sure to post some pics when the design is done. I might be interested in snatching one of these up (if they can be fitted over the immovable knobs, lol).

Can't wait to see the finished thing! :-)
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Re: Improvements

Postby rodan » Thu May 12, 2011 7:03 pm

I agree with every thing you have said in your list above, they're all things ive been thinking about too. If you get the faceplate done and it looks good and fits easily i want one as well!
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Re: Improvements

Postby djrevmoon » Sun May 29, 2011 3:40 pm


I completed the vector file for the laser cutter a while back and had a test cut done in cardboard. All the slots and things fitted perfectly, save for one or two minor tweaks.
Next step is to add the text and graphics layout on the overlay. Havent had time for that yet, but will get back on the case this week. I'll take the new firmware into account and see if there are any relevant changes (GM off is nice, and relevant I guess :-)

So expect an update on this project soon ;-)

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Re: Improvements

Postby rodan » Mon May 30, 2011 4:24 am

Awesome! I am excited to see the end result!
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Re: Improvements

Postby tomsk » Tue May 31, 2011 7:28 am

:D This sounds awesome! I'm really fed up of having to look stuff up in the manual, why they didn't put more of the shift-key labels on the faceplate is beyond me, So this is a really great idea! :D
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