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A Quick Doodle

Post music you've created using the Gaia. Tell us what sections the Gaia is used in and the techniques you used while producing the track.

A Quick Doodle

Postby jonvanoss » Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:07 pm

Hi everyone,
I'm so glad I stumbled across this forum. The information on the GAIA is really useful and I love the User Patches people have been making. I'm posting the very first recording I made with my new GAIA (bought it a few days ago). It's a rough doodle using some of the presets. The baroque section is the end of a Bach prelude from the Well Tempered Clavier... Hope you enjoy!

Jonner's Doodle
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Re: A Quick Doodle

Postby Grauw » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:34 pm

Nice! A lot of familiar sounds, but it’s a nice showcase!
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Re: A Quick Doodle

Postby Rigel » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:07 pm

Cute little piece of "Krautrock!". Those sweeeeps..

Thanks for sharing...
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Postby diadajahBem » Sat Sep 17, 2016 11:07 am

В поисках что-нибудь почитать?! Что-то интересное?
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