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New song by Little Owl and the Spirits of the Night

Post music you've created using the Gaia. Tell us what sections the Gaia is used in and the techniques you used while producing the track.

New song by Little Owl and the Spirits of the Night

Postby little owl » Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:43 pm

Hi, folks. New to the forum; seems like your group is smaller but perhaps that can change. I am submitting a song for your consideration. I used my newly acquired Gaia synth - which is a blast - as well as my Kronos, which I've had a little while longer and is also quite enjoyable in a whole different way. IMO, one synth is no better than the other. They're like the races of man in my mind: different but equal, and should not be held separate as they work very well together side by side. Song is admittedly a bit long, but I've included it in its entirety. Look forward to your comments.

"I Want To Lose My Faith" by Little Owl and the Spirits of the Night

Little Owl
little owl
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:34 pm

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