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Song using the Gaia in the mix

Post music you've created using the Gaia. Tell us what sections the Gaia is used in and the techniques you used while producing the track.

Song using the Gaia in the mix

Postby little owl » Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:36 am

Hey there again. Here's another song I'd like to float by you. Again, I used my recently acquired Gaia as a part of this one. I obtained a Gaia as a means to really understand synthesis and delve in, as well as to add to my sound arsenal. Although I already had other equipment, I recognized the "from-the-ground-up" value this neat synth offers to anyone seeking to better understand what makes what do what and why. Didn't get that from the microKorg. Got a whole lot of sounds and more from my V-Synth GT, but I didn't get what I needed from anything until I got a Gaia. The Gaia is the only synth I have that utilizes a software editor, first coming from one of this forum's own members and then by Roland, too, of course. Anyway, here it is. Open for suggestions. Thanx. ... in-america
little owl
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Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:34 pm

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