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MIDI issues - GM2

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MIDI issues - GM2

Postby Hold the Line! » Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:41 am


I already posted this to Roland support but they didn't give me an answer yet. Hope you guys can help.

Firstly, you should know a little about the Kurzweil system (I use a Kurzweil PC3 as a master keyboard). There are programs (on most other keyboards they are called sounds) and setups. Every setup has 16 zones and each of them can have a MIDI channel assigned to it. I have the GAIA assigned to channel 15 and a Nord Electro 3 to channel 16. Most of the time I use the MIDI system to send program changes and controller messages for these two synths (these zones are turned on LOCAL + MIDI, but their Note maps are turned off, so that external keyboards don't produce sounds when I play on the Kurzweil). But I also use sounds from these two keyboards that I play on the Kurzweil. When I play only GAIA's sounds I have no problems (the assigned MIDI channel 15 sends the VA sounds from the GAIA to the Kurzweil's chosen zone, which is turned on LOCAL + MIDI with the Note map turned on, other zones with Kurzweil's internal programs are turned on LOCAL). But when I play Nord's sounds, there is always a GAIA GM2 sound to hear. I use the following settings: LOCAL + MIDI, Note map on. This enables me to play Nord's sounds on the Kurzweil. But you can also hear some other sounds that the GAIA sends via MIDI channel 16, which is assigned to Nord. In summary, the GAIA automaticaly sends sounds on all MIDI channels to a master keyboard - the assigned channel (in my case channel 15) sends the VA sounds, other channels send GM2 sounds. That means that whenever I have a MIDI device assigned to a MIDI channel other than channel 15 and want to play its sounds, GAIA's sounds will play along. In such a situation I have only two choices - to disconnect the GAIA or to disconnect all other MIDI devices/keyboards.

Now here is what I want to know: is there any way to turn off GAIA's GM2 sounds/mode? Or to program it in a way that it won't send these sounds to MIDI channels? I only need VA sounds, that's why I bought the GAIA.

And I should rather stay silent about Kurzweil's program mode ... GAIA's GM2 sounds are on EVERY program, unless I turn the master MIDI mode to LOCAL but then I wouldn't be able to use MIDI in setup mode.
Hold the Line!
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:05 pm

Re: MIDI issues - GM2

Postby rob » Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:13 am

You may have already tried this, but did you change the midi channel in the SH-01 to 15 as well?
RX/TX Channel on page 52 of the manual.
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Re: MIDI issues - GM2

Postby Hold the Line! » Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:25 am

Yup, I did that. Otherwise the GAIA wouldn't obey my orders. Well, it still has some rebellious spirit left :)
Hold the Line!
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:05 pm

Re: MIDI issues - GM2

Postby Grauw » Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:19 pm

I haven’t found any way to disable the GM2 sounds on the other channels so far… I suppose I could try to alter some of the reserved parameters in the system settings, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up. I think the only real solution is for Roland to release a firmware update that changes this. It would be nice if they did, there’s also a few other things I’d like to see improved (e.g. the lack of persistence of user patches saved through USB!).

For now putting the GAIA on a separate MIDI controller is I think the only way.
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Re: MIDI issues - GM2

Postby Grauw » Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:02 pm

This may be a solution: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=170
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Re: MIDI issues - GM2

Postby Elektro815 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:42 pm

Just got a used Gaia and had the same problem. It's fixed in the latest OS1.03.
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