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Free Gaia Tool

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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby Rigil » Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:46 pm

My documents is fine, because the files sizes are small and will be easy to find.

'GAIA Library' does what it says and can be easily seen.

Regarding the loading of patches and the temporary storage. That's not a problem, because I personally would prefer to store all patches of a similar type in individual folders. So if I was recording a tune requiring strings, I would load 20 or so string patches into the GAIA and quickly preview each one until I found the right one. Save a recorded melody using strings.
Likwise, I might have a folder containing 15 different whistle patches and would load those in and would preview each one whilst playing the string track.

It's a nice easy way to find the right patch to use and audition a whole selection of similar patches.

I'm very lazy and double clicking a patch from a list displayed on the same screen as the editor would be great.
Is it possible to load a folder full of patches straight into GAIA ? Even if they are only stored temporarily.
Alternatively, how about being able to open a folder with patches from a side menu and drag them across individually to a row of patch buttons? Surely, then a quick press of the 'write' button would allow the patches to be permanently stored.

Hope this makes sense, as it is late.
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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby Grauw » Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:11 pm

Rigil wrote:I'm very lazy and double clicking a patch from a list displayed on the same screen as the editor would be great.
Is it possible to load a folder full of patches straight into GAIA? Even if they are only stored temporarily.
Alternatively, how about being able to open a folder with patches from a side menu and drag them across individually to a row of patch buttons?

Sure, though I gotta think about what would be the best thing to do when there are more than 8 patches. Probably prompt the user whether to to put the remainder into the next bank or not… I’ll have to prompt either way because otherwise it might unexpectedly lead users to think they just overwrote and lost all their patches.

Rigil wrote:Surely, then a quick press of the 'write' button would allow the patches to be permanently stored.

At least for an individual patch, yes. To be honest I’m hoping to find a better way, some kind of trick. Or maybe Roland’ll release a firmware update? If Roland’s editor has library functionality they would have to get it to work one way or another.
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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby tomsk » Tue May 24, 2011 3:09 pm

I'm loving using the GAIA tool - thanks Grauw - brilliant work, but can anyone explain the sync button for me? I can understand the reload button, but not sure what sync is for
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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby Grauw » Fri May 27, 2011 5:42 pm

Hey tomsk, good to hear.

Basically you want to have the sync button enabled all the time :). It causes the tool to immediately send all changes to the GAIA, and to receive all changes made on the GAIA. Although the currently released version doesn’t correctly receive all of them, so you probably want to be pressing the reload button often. My development version syncs much better but not ready for release yet.

By the way, sorry for not releasing any updates in such a long time, I’ve been on vacation, changing jobs, and as it happens I’m also going on a work trip to the US for three weeks tomorrow so it’ll take a little longer before I can work on this again.

As for the firmware, I didn’t try it yet but after I’m back from my work trip I’ll for sure try it out to see the differences. I hope it fixes one or two issues I ran into. Roland, if you’re reading: would you please update the MIDI implementation document on your website?
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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby dirtyinputs » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:01 pm

Hi Grauw, thanks for your work!
I'm wondering, is using your tool the only way to change the tempo rate of the arpeggios while connected via midi-in? I'm not finding any way in the manual or online about how to change the arpeggio rates while remaining synced via midi (to 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 beats, etc).
Thanks again!
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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby Grauw » Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:48 pm

As far as I know it’s the only way, yes. Arpeggios can’t be altered in any way from the front panel, you’re limited to the presets.
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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby Rigil » Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:56 pm

I think Roland must have wanted to make the Gaia seem totally like an early analogue synth. Trouble is, everyone has moved on and has got used to easier tempo control.

Before Grauw developed his editing control, the only way to alter the arpeggiator tempo was using a DAW program. Slightly cumbersome as you couldn't store the tempo with the patch, whereas now you can.
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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby dirtyinputs » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:12 pm

Thanks for responding so quickly guys!
Yeah, I'm having a good time with the Gaia, but the jumping through the hoops for such simple things as turning off PCM sounds and being able to change arpeggio tempo rates seems a bit archaic (and kind of dumb, Roland, ahem). Anyhoo, looking forward to using your program to free things up a bit, thanks Grauw!
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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby Grauw » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:17 pm

At least with the latest firmware now you can turn off the PCM sound :).

Btw, teaser:

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Re: Free Gaia Tool

Postby Rigil » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:57 am

That looks great..really looking forward to you making this available.
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